If you've just obtained your Walmart card , follow the directions below to activate your card. These cards may also be employed to mend your credit rating with responsible usage, and you may eventually qualify for better offers. Obviously, some might not be interested in an internet gift card that needs a lot of participation to acquire. It is possible to also add any Walmart gift cards you've got. You are needed to continue to keep your charge card or MasterCard statement handy for more processing. Also, you have to have the credit score card handy as a way to register (or at least your Walmart credit card number alongside other details). If you've applied for a charge card at the Walmart store and it's accepted, the store will offer you a Temporary Shopping Pass. The Walmart Money Card can be gotten at any participating Walmart or you are able to apply online. Manage My Walmart Credit Card - What Is It? The app and your charge card company deal with the p...